2020 Keynote Information

Celebrating its 11th successful year, SCOPE Summit 2020 takes place February 18-21 in Orlando, FL. Over the course of four stimulating days of in-depth discussions in 20 different conferences, 3 plenary keynote sessions, the annual Participant Engagement Awards, and the ever-popular interactive breakout discussions, the programming focuses on advances and innovative solutions in all aspects of clinical trial planning, management and operations, including: Site Selection and Management, Patient Engagement, Recruitment and Retention, Protocol Optimization, Feasibility, Data Strategy and Analytics, Sensors and Wearables, Project Management, Outsourcing, Forecasting, Budgeting and Contracting, Resource Management, Quality (QbD) in Trial Conduct, Risk-Based Monitoring, Artificial Intelligence, Post-Marketing Studies, Observational Research, Accessing and Generating RWD, Clinical Biomarker Strategy, Clinical Supply Chain, Precision Medicine, Clinical Biomarkers and Biospecimens, and Central Lab Solutions, and an all-new track on Medical Device Clinical Trial Operations and Regulations. SCOPE attracted 2,000+ leaders in clinical operations and research in 2019 and each of our conference tracks will feature best practice case studies relevant to clinical operations experts and those new to the field.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Pre-Conference User Group Meetings, Hosted Workshops, Science Symposium, China Partnering Forum, Kick-Off Keynote, Participant Engagement Award & Happy Hour

Regency Ballroom S


2:00 - 5:00 pm User Group Meetings & Hosted Workshops (Sponsorship Opportunities Available) Host a User Group, Workshop or Company Meeting

12:00 - 3:00 pm Combining the Power of Artificial Intelligence and Trial Execution  

Cedar_Health_Research_Aspen_InsightsCedar Health Research, in partnership with Aspen Insights, invite you to a pre-conference luncheon showcasing how superior enrollment can be achieved through accurate patient-trial matching algorithms and physician partnerships.
Keynote by Ezekiel Fink, MD: Can Clinical Innovation Solve the Opioid Epidemic?
Agenda, Speaker and Registration Details: http://www.cedarhealthresearch.com/scope-workshop/
To register, please contact dmccool@korenvaes.com


9:00 am - 5:00 pm Shared Investigator Platform User Group Meeting Full Day

The first official Shared Investigator Platform (SIP) User Group Meeting will unite sites, sponsors, research organizations, technology providers, and product leadership as we continue to evolve the SIP ecosystem together.  Whether you are a new user, veteran, or just beginning to evaluate SIP for your organization, join our User Group Meeting as we share the SIP roadmap, ideate new features, and exchange best practices for successful collaboration across the clinical research community. To register, please contact priya.iyer@cognizant.com, or +1 (513) 802-3681.


2:00 - 5:00 pm Trifecta Annual User Group Forum

Trifecta is pleased to host the 3rd annual User Group Forum to be held on Tuesday, February 18th. Sponsor and CRO leaders from the industry, as well as sites leadership, are invited to take part in this highly interactive and engaging session focused on how Trifecta’s InvestigatorSpace® training and communication platform along with the SafetyVigilance® online safety letter delivery can transform critical site communication and documentation processes. Hear from our senior executive team on best practices, key success stories and the road ahead for driving innovation to drive positive outcomes across the industry. To register, please contact joseph.shafer@trifectaclinical.com 

3:00 - 5:00 pm


*Must be a Best Value registered attendee.

5:00 Evening Plenary Keynote Opening Remarks

Matt Miller, President, Co-Founder, StudyKIK

Micah Lieberman, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech

Institute (CHI)

5:05 INTERACTIVE PANEL: Taking the Plunge, Why Now is the Time to Invest in eConsent and Patient Engagement

Byrom_BillModerator: Bill Byrom, Vice President, Product Strategy and Innovation, Signant Health

Shogren_MichellePanelists: Michelle Shogren, Director of Innovation, Pharma R&D Clinical Operations, Bayer Pharmaceuticals

Kadhim_HassanHassan Kadhim, Director, Head, Clinical Trial Business Capabilities, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Kelly_McKeeKelly McKee, Head, Patient Recruitment, Patient-Centric Innovations, Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Goller_GretchenGretchen Goller, Global Head Patient Recruitment, ICON plc

Increased willingness to take a patient-centric approach to technology adoption to improve data capture, patient understanding, and patient engagement is needed to drive real return on investment for retention, compliance, protocol adherence, and overall study timelines.

  • Why isn’t the pharmaceutical industry moving more quickly to adopt solutions that patients—and sites and study teams—want?
  • What are the key barriers to digitally focused patient-centricity (uncertainty over regulators’ expectations, data safety, privacy concerns)?
  • How do you identify and deploy the right talent to support a patient-centric ecosystem?

5:40 SCOPE’s 2020 Participant Engagement Awards Introduction

In Memory of Jerry Matczak, #BeLikeJerry, #SCOPE2020

Creativity and Engagement in Recruitment and Retention Communications

Designed to inspire innovation and change in how the industry communicates with participants in the fields of recruitment and retention in clinical trials, this award embodies the values and personal accomplishments of Jerry Matczak, who sadly passed away soon after receiving the 2017 award. We dedicate this award to Jerry in the hopes that it will serve as a reminder of his ideals and accomplishments.

Submit your work now: http://www.scopesummit.com/participant-engagement-award

Sall_DavidChairperson: David Sall, President & CEO, Patient Enrollment Advisors; Co-Creator of the SCOPE Participant Engagement Award

Kelly_McKeeKelly McKee, Head, Patient Recruitment, Vertex; Co-Creator of the SCOPE Participant Engagement Award

Radcliffe_AngelaAngela Radcliffe, R&D Practice Lead, Life Science, Capgemini Invent

Kim_Joe-2Joseph Kim, MBA, Senior Advisor, Patient Experience and Design Innovation, Eli Lilly

Lieberman_MicahMicah Lieberman, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)




6:20 - 7 :30 pm SCOPE’s Kick-Off Networking Happy Hour (Upper Pool Deck 4th Floor)

(Co-Sponsorship Opportunities Available)

7:30 Close of day

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Regency Ballroom S

8:15 Organizer’s Welcome

Micah Lieberman, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)

8:20 Chairperson’s Introduction

Melissa Harris, Associate Director, Global Patient Recruitment and Engagement, Covance

8:25 Morning Plenary Keynote: Health Literacy throughout Drug Development – Why It Matters to Pharma and to Patients

Myers_LaurieLaurie Myers, MBA, Global Health Literacy Director, Global Population Health, Merck & Co., Inc.

Pharmaceutical companies often define their role as inventing new medicines and vaccines; conducting clinical trials; and getting them to patients. However, without health literacy, people do not fully reap the intended benefits of these innovations. This session will highlight why health literacy matters to pharma and patients, then give practical tips to integrate health literacy throughout drug development, including clinical trials, patient labeling, patient education, and packaging.

8:50 What Should Industry Do in Sharing Data/Results with Study Participants?

Scott_JessicaJessica Scott, MD, JD, Head, R&D, Patient Engagement, Takeda

Hearing rumblings from patients, patient organizations and even other pharmaceutical companies? Better understand what’s the buzz and why you need to start thinking about your approach. Navigating the return of individual data/results is nuanced, but doable. How you can better understand the benefits and also the challenges?

9:15 INTERACTIVE PATIENT PANEL: Patient Perspectives as an Input to Feasibility and Clinical Trial Design


Amy Froment, Head, Global Trial Optimization, Regeneron

Beckerling_AndreeAndree Beckerling, PhD, CEO, CLARINESS

Patient panelists from oncology, CNS, cardiovascular and rare disease

In this session, you can learn from patients in a panel discussion about their opinion about clinical trials. In addition, Amy Froment, Head Global Trial Optimization at Regeneron, will share how patient perspectives can be used as an input to feasibility and clinical trial design. The panel will be an interactive session which provide deep patient centric insights from both perspectives – the industry and patient, moderated by Dr. Andree Beckerling, CEO at CLARINESS.


9:40 Grand Opening Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall (Windermere Ballroom)Highthink_Med

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Regency Ballroom S

2:00 Organizer’s Welcome

Micah Lieberman, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)

2:10 Chairperson’s Introduction

George Tiger, Vice President, Global - Business Development, Almac Group

2:15 Afternoon Plenary Keynote: Implementing an Innovation Methodology to Accelerate Clinical Trial Innovation within Your Organization

Guld_TammyTammy Guld, Global Lead, Janssen Clinical Innovation

Janssen Clinical Innovation (JCI) was established in 2012 with the goal to address several common challenges in clinical trials through the introduction of transformational innovation. Today, JCI is operating as a mature, autonomous innovation team, having introduced a number of successful innovations – some of which have an impact beyond Janssen. To support its operations, JCI has developed a framework to effectively and efficiently bring innovations all the way from ideation to implementation. This keynote will describe JCI’s view on innovation, key elements of its innovation framework, as well as some remaining challenges which are of interest to the broader industry.

2:40 FIRESIDE CHAT: Digital Healthcare to Re-Shape Clinical Trials

LaPorte_JacobModerator: Jacob LaPorte, PhD, Patient; Co-Founder & Vice President, Global Head of BIOME – The Digital Innovation Lab, Novartis

Fombu_EmmanuelEmmanuel Fombu, MD, MBA, Vice President, Locust Walk

Over a decade of increasing cost and complexity in R&D has driven the pharmaceutical business model to the brink of unsustainability. Digital technologies have the power to fundamentally transform the pharmaceutical development and commercial model, significantly increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of developing new medicines and creating more holistic solutions to deliver more meaningful experiences and outcomes for patients in need. This brave new paradigm, however, will require a fundamental shift in program strategy, organization, and culture to achieve. Come find out from two experts how to drive transformational change in your organization to effectively harness the power of these new digital technologies.

  • What are the key challenges in the development of new medicines; what is pushing the development/ commercialization model to the brink of unsustainability?
  • What are the key technology trends to enable transformational changes in how we develop and commercialize medicines?
  • What are some early indicators that people are starting to put these things together in a meaningful way to drive transformation change in their development model?

3:10 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall, Last Chance for Exhibit Viewing (Windermere Ballroom)

SCOPE Summit Europe

2025 Conference Programs

Clinical Trial Venture, Innovation & Partnering *
*Separate Registration Required