Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 5th Annual
Improving Site-Study Activation and Performance:
Strategically Implementing a Process and Systems for Rapid Study Start-Up and Improved Site-CRO-Sponsor Interactions
February 14-15, 2018 | Hyatt Regency Orlando | Orlando, FL
Clinical trial site activation and efficient study start-up are critical to drug development programs, in terms of time, cost and quality of data. To improve start-up times and outcomes, one needs an experienced clinical research investigator, motivated
and capable team members and efficient communication by all. Everyone (Sponsor, CRO, Site) must communicate and execute effectively in order to improve: the study feasibility process, contract and budget negotiations, standardization of source documents
and other study-related materials, development of patient and staff educational materials, and development of patient recruitment and retention programs. CHI’s 5th Annual Improving Site-Study Activation and Performance will
cover the topics one should consider when strategically implementing a process for rapid study start-up.
Wednesday, February 14
11:30 am Registration Open
12:10 pm Bridging Luncheon Presentation: Approaches to Evidence Based Site Planning in Trial Design
Gavin Coney, Head, Clinical, Clarivate Analytics
We will explore approaches to ensuring that your study planning is based on the broadest evidence base. We will demonstrate how additional manually curated intelligence can complement existing data sources to identify relevant insights based on similar
studies and provide specific insights into critical trial design and planning decisions.
12:50 Coffee and Dessert Break in the Exhibit Hall
1:30 Plenary Keynotes
3:00 Valentine’s Day Celebration in the Exhibit Hall, Last Chance for Exhibit Viewing
4:00 Chairperson’s Remarks
Shawn Tedman, MBA, Head, Product Offerings, Clinical Trial Optimization Solutions (CTOS), QuintilesIMS
4:05 Site Activation, a Balancing Act between Time and Quality: How to Avoid Paying the Price Later On
Valérie Reynaert, Head, In-Country Clinical Operations for the Americas, R&D Projects Clinical Platform &
Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline
There are many processes in the site start up activitities that are redundant, inefficient and needlessly complex. Our study start up timelines often slip as a result. This presentation will share learnings and opportunities on how simplification
of our processes and reducing complexity can help in starting up sites on time without paying the price for it later.
4:30 Accelerating Study Start Up: A Centralized Approach
Christina Brennan, M.D., Vice President, Clinical Research, Executive Research Administration, Northwell
Hospitals and health system consolidations continue to be on the rise and will continue to remake the delivery system landscape over the next 10 years. Clinical research participation will be more efficient if it is approached centrally as a systemwide
approach in these settings. Currently, 57% of the US hospitals are part of a system and this will continue to rise. A centralized approach to site selection and site activation will streamline this process and accelerate study start up. This will
lead to improved processes with study performance.
4:55 CO-PRESENTATION: Why Is Study Startup Still so Inefficient?
Jae Chung, President & Founder, goBalto
Ken Getz, Director, Sponsored Research Programs, Associate Professor, Tufts CSDD
An in-depth study conducted by Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development focused on the end-to-end process of site identification through site initiation grapples with this question, and sheds light on the challenges organizations are facing,
and on new tools, technologies, and approaches being developed to overcome these hurdles.
5:10 Optimizing Client/Vendor Collaboration: An Efficient Approach to Site Selection and Start-Up
Eric Richardson, MS, COO, CPi Global CRO
5:25 PANEL DISCUSSION WITH PATIENT & SITE: Why Site Buy-In Is Crucial to Improving the Trial Participant Experience
Abbe Steel, CEO, HealthiVibe, LLC
Patient: Nicole Moore
PI: Bruce Rankin, DO, Medical Director, Avail Clinical Research (An Accel Research Site)
Site: Chris Hoyle, MBA, Executive Director, Elite Research Network
Industry-wide adoption and benchmarking of trial participant insights has the potential to truly improve clinical trial design and execution and improve the patient experience in clinical trials. But the overall success of these surveys is largely
dependent on site staff willingness to help implement them at their site. Leveraging sites to implement participant surveys allows the data to quickly grow and reveal a deeper look into the drivers behind what keeps patients coming back. This
panel will explore, with site representatives and a patient, the best model for implementation.
- What are the true hurdles to participation – from the patient perspective?
- How can pharma do a better job to include sites, and why is this critical?
- What do site staff (PI, site networks) think about these surveys and the most critical considerations for a successful implementation?
5:50 Reception Hosted by Cognizant Technology Solutions
Thursday, February 15
7:15 am Registration Open
7:45 Breakfast Presentation: Clinical Trial Operations Insights Evolved via Accenture Life Sciences Cloud
Chandi Kodthiwada, Product Manager, Accenture Life Sciences Cloud (ALSC), Accenture
Chances are you have spent a meaningful amount of time on one of the below questions: How do you assess your Clinical Trial operational efficiency? How do I stay on top of Site behavior? How do you maintain Vendor-Oversight? In the presentation, we
will go through Accenture Life Sciences Cloud(ALSC) - Clinical Operations Insights Platform(COIP) and our work with Metrics Champion Consortium(MCC) to answer the above questions.
8:30 Chairperson’s Remarks
Mary Pat Cottengim, User Experience Manager, Clinical Research Systems, Bio-Optronics
8:35 A Systematic Approach to Study Start-Up: Identifying Risk Factors and KPIs to Ensure Faster Start-Up and Better Accrual Rates
Marina Malikova, Ph.D., Executive Director, Surgery, Boston University Medical Center
The success of a trial heavily relies on the strong bond between trial operations and project management throughout the life cycle of the trial. It is important to develop a specific knowledge of the strengths, weaknesses and pitfalls of assumed risks
at the inception of the project in order to devise a solid strategy to mitigate them throughout implementation phase. Systematic assessment of risk factors and key performance indicators at a start-up phase can allow for more efficient execution
of a clinical trial and ensure better accrual rates. This session will discuss best practices to expedite start-up phase.
8:55 How Reg Ops and Clin Ops Business Integration Can Accelerate Timelines to Submission
Sophia Kourliouros, Senior Manager, Global Regulatory Operations, Eisai, Inc.
This presentation will be given from a Regulatory Operations perspective to provide best practices to the Clinical Operations team when submitting clinical documents. In order to make submissions faster and ensure the quality of the data, it’s
important to include RegOps in your planning, business process strategy and operations. This talk will provide best practices to help colleagues in Clinical Operations work more efficiently with their RegOps team to improve business process and
study start-up.
9:10 Optimizing Site Activation in Rare Diseases and Novel Therapy Studies
Mari Maurer, Pharma Clinical Solutions Consulting LLC; former Vice President, Clin Ops, REGENXBIO
Site activation for studies for rare diseases especially those involving novel therapeutic modalities may have additional challenges due to additional regulatory review and oversight, specialized technology, novel interventional procedures, and training.
We will be discussing the challenges frequently encountered during site activation in rare diseases and novel therapies and potential solutions to address them.
9:25 CASE STUDY: Transforming the Site Monitoring and Management Model to Become a Sponsor of Choice for Sites and Improve Quality
Mark Ridge, Vice President, Clinical Development Operations, CSL Behring
This session will explore an innovative site management and oversight approach to transform site relationships, enhance site quality and strengthen the overall site monitoring approach that yields successful approval of new therapies for patients.
The presentation will include site survey results and lessons learned.
9:50 CO-PRESENTATION: Partnering Shared Expertise and Technology to Optimize Study Planning
Loni Branon, Director, Sitetrove/Chinatrove, Pharma Intelligence-Informa
Michael Fites, Senior Feasibility Strategist, Bayer Pharmaceuticals
Otis Johnson, PhD, Vice President, ICON Clinical Research
While navigating the rough seas toward study activation, advanced planning is key to staying on course. Our presenters will share insights on streamlining the study start up journey, by addressing major components such as protocol development,
competitive landscape assessment, evaluating patient demand and country/site selection. We’ll touch on how combining expertise with a trusted crew, along with a few simple tech tools, will ensure smooth sailing and a timely arrival at
your final destination.
10:15 Networking Coffee Break
10:30 Chairperson’s Remarks
Mary Pat Cottengim, User Experience Manager, Clinical Research Systems, Bio-Optronics
10:35 PANEL DISCUSSION: eConsent after the Pilot: Implementation Lessons Learned by Study Experts
Eric Delente, President, Patient Solutions, DrugDev
Scott Askin, Digital Development Director, Lead for eSource and eICF, Digital Development, Portfolio, Strategy &
Innovation (PS&I), Novartis Pharma
eConsent (eICF) is a potential participant’s first real interaction as they consider participation in a clinical trial, and as such, it can be the keystone of a patient engagement strategy. Different sets of challenges and solutions appear
at each stage as the implementation moves beyond early stages. In this panel-led discussion, we’ll hear perspectives from experts that start with using eICF in a pilot, then move into regulatory and quality considerations with perspectives,
and finally the challenges of broader, global implementations. This discussion will also reveal some of the reasons why use of eConsent is not yet ubiquitous across the industry. The panel will include an interactive discussion, driven by
questions from attendees with a goal of illuminating the path beyond pilot implementations, and attendees’ understanding of how an eConsent program can improve patient engagement.
- Understand the benefits and potential role of eConsent in Patient Engagement
- Recognize challenges of eConsent adoption across various stages of implementation from several perspectives
- Discuss potential approaches to implementation
11:00 Maximizing Study Startup & Site Selection with Collaborative CTMS
Mary Pat Cottengim, User Experience Manager, Clinical Research Systems, Bio-Optronics
Attendees will learn best practices for reducing the time between accepting a study and when sites begin enrollment through the use of technology. Innovative process improvements will be discussed for site selection, site questionnaires, budget
negotiation, milestone tracking and credential management. Attendees from CROs, SMOs and Sponsors will understand how to maximize critical efficiencies and communications through detailed tracking and reporting, ultimately to enhance quality,
profitability and sponsor relations.
11:25 Transition to Shared Session
Heather Hernandez, Director, Business Development, Seeker Health
11:35 Digital Trends Impacting Recruitment, Engagement and Retention
Shwen Gwee, Head of Digital Strategy, Global Clinical Operations, Biogen
Digital technology is connecting more people to clinical trials than ever before, and at the same time, the adoption of wearables as data collection devices in clinical trials is rising. The hope of streamlining trial operations, patient recruitment
and registration is real. What technologies and approaches are having the greatest impact on recruitment, engagement and retention?
12:00 pm CASE STUDY: The Art and Science of Patient Engagement in the Digital Era – Learning from GSK PARADE Study
Michelle Crouthamel, Lead, Clinical Innovation & Digital Platforms Unit, GlaxoSmithKline
The ability to efficiently develop new medicines for patients with unmet needs is limited by the current model for clinical development. Although the emerging mHealth technologies have the potential to improve the conduct of clinical trials, the
successful implementation requires careful study design and patient engagement. Data and experiences from GSK PARADE study will be summarized, highlighting the learning and opportunities in this new area of clinical development.
12:25 Mobile Clinical Trials: New Findings on Patient and Site Perspectives from the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative
Hassan Kadhim, Business Consultant for Clinical Operations, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
This presentation will discuss qualitative and quantitative research conducted by the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative to understand the perspectives of patients and site investigators of mobile clinical trials. Discussion will include
insights and advice from site investigators who have participated in trials that incorporate mobile devices to collect data for study endpoints.
12:50 PANEL DISCUSSION: Why Are There Barriers to the Adoption of Innovative Processes and Technologies at Sites?
Jim Kremidas, Executive Director, Association of Clinical Research Professionals
David Vulcano, Assistant Vice President & Responsible Executive for Clinical Research, Hospital
Corporation of America (HCA)
Sean Walsh, MBA, Chief Development Officer, Raleigh Neurology Associates
Beth Harper, MBA, Workforce Innovation Officer, Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP)
Many innovative technologies and process improvement initiatives are coming out at a rapid pace, whether from TransCelerate and other industry consortia, or from technology companies themselves. Which of these improvements actually
work? How can sites implement these more effectively? Why are there barriers to adoption, and how can the innovators better understand sites’ needs?
- Share sites’ perspective on the evolving clinical research landscape
- Discuss the reasons sites struggle with new processes and technology tools
- Determine ways to facilitate adoption
1:15 Closing Remarks
1:20 SCOPE Summit 2018 Adjourns
Group Discounts Are Available! Special rates are available for multiple
attendees from the same organization. For more information on group discounts, contact Melissa Dolen at 781-972-5418 or

For questions or suggestions about the meeting, contact:
Micah Lieberman
Executive Director, Conferences
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
T: (+1) 541.482.4709
For partnering and sponsorship information, contact:
Ilana Quigley
Senior Manager, Business Development
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
(+1) 781.972.5457
For media and association partnerships, contact:
Rich Handy
Senior Director, Marketing
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
T: (+1) 781.972.5456