Keynote Information
Monday, February 12, 2018
5:00 - 6:15 PANEL DISCUSSION: Where Are Clinical Trials Headed for 2018?
Moderator: Christopher Rull, Principle Consultant, CR Consulting, LLC; former Vice President, Head of Business Development & Account
Management, UBC
Ibraheem (Ibs) Mahmood, CEO, DrugDev
Nancy Mulligan, Executive Director, Patient & Physician Services, UBC
Janet Baldwin, Vice President, Real World & Late Phase, Syneos Health
Kasher, Ph.D., Founder, Patients Can’t Wait; former Vice President, Clinical Innovation and Implementation, Eli Lilly & Co.
As the biopharmaceutical industry increasingly turns to CROs to stay competitive and improve its efficiency, hear from senior CRO leaders as they explore where clinical trials are headed in 2018. Start off SCOPE by hearing leading CROs forecast new trends,
changes in process, and partnerships and continue the discussion at our Welcome Reception. Topics to be discussed:
- What are the key trends on the horizon for clinical trials? Where will the next big pay-off be for clinical trials?
- As new technology and increasing volumes of data become more accessible to the biopharmaceutical industry, how will industry make meaningful, data-driven decisions in 2018? How will pharma put these trends to action?
- What is in store for Sponsor-CRO partnerships as mergers and acquisitions increase across the CRO landscape?
6:30 - 8:30 SCOPE’s Kick-Off Networking Happy Hour on the Garden Terrace
Arrive early for SCOPE's Pre-Conference Plenary Keynote Panel followed by the Kick-Off Networking Happy Hour co-hosted by CHI, DrugDev, Exostar, and Praxis. New this year, delegates are welcome and encouraged to arrive early at SCOPE on Monday for an
engaging Keynote Panel Discussion with leading CROs on WHERE ARE CLINICAL TRIALS HEADED FOR 2018? followed by cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Listen to industry leaders forecast where clinical trials and pharma is headed for 2018, come connect with
old friends, and make new ones on the Garden Terrace of the Hyatt Regency. Running shoes, jeans, Aloha shirts are all appropriate attire for Happy Hour.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
8:20 am Organizer’s Welcome
Micah Lieberman, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
8:25 Chairperson’s Introduction
Jerome Chiaro, Vice President, Clinical Site Operations, StudyKIK
8:30 Keynote Kick-Off: Stop Trying to Be Innovative! Hack Your Way to Creative, Valuable Solutions
Shwen Gwee, Head of Digital Strategy, Global Clinical Operations, Biogen
At a time of unprecedented innovation disrupting almost every other industry, the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries seem to be laggards and most resistant to this change. This talk will cover three easy steps that are used by MIT Hacking Medicine,
a student organization that runs health hackathons around the world, to help hack innovative solutions for medicine and healthcare. The approach draws principles and learnings from Design Thinking, Lean Startup and other innovation processes, which
when applied to your organization or corporate approach, can help you hack your way to creative, valuable solutions that can engender value and drive true innovation.
8:45 Operating on a Beating Heart: Evolving Patient-Centricity End to End in Pharmaceutical Development
Roslyn Schneider, M.D., Global Patient Affairs Lead, Pfizer
People living with and trying to prevent illness expect more iterative involvement in decisions that affect their health including in development of therapies. They are no longer content with surrogates speaking for them even if they are learned, compassionate
professionals. We in the pharmaceutical industry are working together with patients to understand and implement the most appropriate ways to involve patients without missing a beat in the rush to advance and support therapies that may benefit them.
This keynote will address some of the experiences, opportunities and challenges in doing just that.
9:10 PANEL DISCUSSION: What Does Digital Patient Engagement Mean Today?
Moderator: Paulo Moreira, Vice President, Global Clinical Operations - External Innovation, EMD Serono
Roslyn Schneider, M.D., Global Patient Affairs Lead, Pfizer
Terrie Livingston, Pharm.D., Senior Director, Real World Outcomes, Innovative Partnerships & Insights (RI2),
Michelle Crouthamel, Lead, Clinical Innovation & Digital Platforms Unit, GlaxoSmithKline
Gilles Frydman, Patient Advocate; Co-Founder, Smart Patients and ACOR (Association of Cancer Online Resources)
The research community has embraced patient-centricity as a driving force to improve participant experience, trial design and outcomes, but the engagement piece has many components. This panel will discuss current digital patient projects, engagement
pilots, experiences with new technologies, the role of patient communities, and lessons learned to date. Key questions to be discussed by the panel and with the audience:
- What is a complete digital patient experience? What is required to make this a reality for all trials?
- What are we getting right and what are we getting wrong as we realign our processes and our research organizations around the patient-centric model?
- What technologies and capabilities do we already have in house and what pieces of the puzzle are we missing, whether low- or hi-tech?
9:45 - 10:45 Grand Opening Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
1:30 Organizer’s Welcome
Micah Lieberman, Executive Director, Conferences, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
1:35 Chairperson’s Introduction
Greg Skalicky, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Syneos Health
1:40 Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards
Allison Proffitt, Editorial Director, Bio-IT World & Clinical Informatics News
The Clinical Informatics News Best Practices Awards recognizes outstanding examples of applied strategic innovation—partnerships, deployments, and collaborations that manifestly improve the clinical trial process. An expert panel of judges assesses
entries looking for solutions that are innovative, and needed in the industry.
Learn More & Submit an Entry for 2018 at:
1:50 Part 1: The Forgotten Patient
Joe Kim, MBA, Senior Advisor, Clinical Innovation, Eli Lilly and Company
Typically, all patients who volunteer for clinical research come from two places – either they are known to the investigator, or they are not. But there is a third type of patient that has long been forgotten and considered beyond our reach.
And it has been our collective inability to accommodate this patient group that certainly hasn’t helped our ability to quickly deliver new medicines to the world. What will it take to reach them where they are?
2:10 Part 2: Pharma-ACO Collaboration and New Delivery Systems: Facilitating the Linkage between Healthcare’s Triple Aim and Improved Clinical Trials
Jeff James, MBA, CEO, Wilmington Health
The worlds of healthcare delivery, payment reform, medical technology and clinical research are all evolving in tandem. This presentation will share how we are facilitating a linkage between an ACO’s triple aim aspirations and the need for Pharma
to initiate trials that are better, faster, more predictable, more reliable and less expensive. In addition, it will illustrate the roadblocks that still need to be overcome.
2:30 PANEL DISCUSSION: Clinical Trial Technology and Innovation: Collaboration as the Key to Industry Transformation
Moderator: Dalvir Gill, Ph.D., CEO, TransCelerate BioPharma, Inc.
Ken Getz, MBA, Director, Sponsored Research Programs, Tufts CSDD; Chairman, CISCRP
Anthony Rowe, PhD, Director, R&D IT Business Technology Leader, Immunology TA, Janssen
Susan Griffing, Vice President, Global Head Country Clinical Operations, Roche
Robert DiCicco, Pharm.D., Vice President, Clinical Innovation and Digital Platforms, GlaxoSmithKline
Harnessing the power of collaboration can alter the healthcare landscape as we know it today. This thought-provoking session will bring together a diverse panel representing some of the industry’s most influential organizations for a candid
and innovative conversation about what is needed to shake up the current ecosystem and truly transform patient health. This panel discussion will address:
- What is working today, and how will the ‘next generation of collaborations’ be different?
- Is collaborative R&D, pooling data and insights from academia, sponsors, and CROs in our near future?
- What roles will FDA, consortiums, technology providers, and other stakeholders play?
3:00 - 4:00 Valentine’s Day Celebration in the Exhibit Hall, Last Chance for Exhibit Viewing
View All 18 Conference Programs | Clin Info News Best Practices Awards | Participant Engagement Award
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same organization. For more information on group discounts, contact Melissa Dolen at 781-972-5418 or